Kamis, 08 Desember 2011


Yeah, it’s time for AEC to recruit new member of AEC. Because of it, we held AEC Training Organization on 19th-20th November 2011 in our beloved faculty, FIA (faculty of administrative science).

The purpose of this training organization is to make new member of AEC to be close to each other, to understand the importance of English, to build character, to became active and fun students, and to show them how to spare their time between study and extra activity.

AEC's Chair person when give a greeting to new members of AEC


singing together with miss Retnayu

This event not only indoor as you know in this picture, but we also do some games outdoor. There are seven team in this training organization. Each team must do their mission in every post and open the secret code at the end. In this outdoor game, each team should unite in every game they do so their mission will be success.

At last, we hope this event could make our new member of AEC become unite to solve every problem or program in AEC. So, come on guys!! Make AEC better than before in your hand.


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